Find your church home with us

I’m Sarah Casson, student worker at All Saints Church and assistant chaplain on the university campuses. I’m here to welcome you and connect you with our church family. I offer support and a listening ear to students, and space to explore faith. You can contact me via email or Instagram. I’d love to get to know you!


Instagram: allsaintskensington

Our student work is just beginning! We offer students a place to belong, to grow as followers of Jesus Christ and to serve God through our many activities in our local community. In our vibrant church family you will meet people from many backgrounds and cultures!

At All Saints there are lots of ways to get involved with our community. Here are some of them:

  • our community garden where we are transforming concrete into a green space for people and wildlife
  • an Ecogroup encouraging more sustainable living
  • a Pantry scheme providing good quality food and reducing food waste
  • a Monday morning Drop-in for people seeking connection in our local community
  • our New Horizons congregation, bringing hope to those facing addiction and other challenges
  • a Friday Farsi congregation
  • the Care for Calais charity providing assistance for asylum seekers


at our weekly student space


in your faith


in our community projects

About Us

We are located in inner city Liverpool. We are a friendly, multicultural church family working with God in our local community.

We are passionate about responding to our community’s needs with the love of God and the hope of Jesus Christ, helping people come into a life-changing relationship with God through the power of the Holy Spirit. We are committed to walking with Jesus, loving each other, and learning together. All this flows out of worship for the God who loves us passionately.