New Horizons is a service for the local community where food, friendship and a connection with God can be found.
We welcome all to take part, giving where possible and receiving when there is need. We find those facing addictions, homelessness, financial difficulties amongst other felt needs are glad to share a hot meal, join in worship and have an opportunity to bring things to God in prayer with us.
Doors open at 10.30am on Fridays and we close at 1.30pm offering a small food parcel to those who need one.
The service is at All Saints Worship Centre. Sheil Rd. L6 3AB
If you would like to help at this service, volunteers are always welcome, there are many roles that would help make this service welcoming to all.

Allsaints Liverpool website Home page All Saints Church Liverpool – Together, working with God in our community (allsaintsliverpool.org)