Posada at All Saints
This year we will be trying Posada! Posada means shelter or lodging and is about reflecting, as a community, on the journey taken…
Mothers Union Carol Service 3/12/24
🎄🎄☃️☃️🎄🎄☃️☃️🎄🎄☃️☃️ All welcome to our CAROL SERVICE Tuesday 3rd December –7 pm At — All saints worship centre , Sheila rd..L6 ******. *******. …
Down to Earth
Down to Earth is a daily reflection during Advent. We will share it each day on our All Saints whatsaspp group, but if…
Memorial Service
Memorial Service 6pm Parish Church Sunday 17th November Our yearly Memorial Service, to remember those that have passed in the last few years,…
ADVENT 24 Hour Prayer
Contact Helen, Inoka or a Warden, to book a 1 hour slot for this 24 hour prayer event. 24 Hours of prayer begins…
Remembrance Service
There will be a Remembrance service at both churches on Sunday 10th November. 10AM at the Parish Church 11AM at the Worship Centre….
Harvest 29th September
Our Harvest Service will be onSunday 29th September, this will be a joint service at the Worship Centre, 11am All Welcome
Pray for Southport 7PM
Please join us tomorrow evening (5th August) at the Worship Centre 7-8pm as we pray for an end to the unrest we have seen…
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